Thank you for purchasing our service at operated by Marketing Agency BD

If you need a refund, please email us at [email protected] within 5 business days of your payment.

Here’s how it works:

Full Refund: If we haven’t started working on your project yet, you can request this.

Partial Refund: If we’ve already started, we’ll review the work done and charge for the time and effort spent, including communication. We’ll refund the remaining balance after a short meeting with you.

If you don’t request a refund within 5 business days) from your payment, we’ll assume you’re happy with the service and no refund will be possible. Marketing Agency BD has the full right to keep the full funds

Please note:
– Although we do our best to provide great service, we commit to providing our best service but can’t guarantee sales, as this depends on factors outside our control.
– Refund requests made after the service is delivered won’t be considered.

All refund requests go through a manual review. If approved, refunds are subject to a 90-day security hold before processing.

We’re here to help if you have any questions!

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